Reading this is like becoming privy to the existence of underground rivers, the directions they are flowing are mysterious, but need to be followed with heart, mind, and body. They lead to an important place that you can't name, ever, even when you get there, but you can sense the rightness of a direction as you walk it or speak it and you just know it must be honored. Following with any guarantees, trusting without evidence seems to be what courage is. And maybe none of this corresponds to what you were hoping to communicate, but it's what I received. This feels Real what you are saying. And the Real is a rare thing.
Rick, thank you! The image of underground rivers is wonderful, suspect this will be ricocheting around my head this week :) And, funny, your comments resonated with a closing paragraph that I had drafted, and then cut since needing more work.
It mentioned recently reading The Lion Tracker's Guide to Life, by Boyd Varty. As well as bringing back some wonderful safari memories, it brings you into the minds of the very best trackers and how they work, taking seriously the accumulation of tiny clues...The quote that so resonated was: "I don't know where I'm going but I know how to get there" :)
Hope you're doing well! I'll be back up in Vancouver later in the year and will be in touch.
wise words bro, onwards indeed, keep putting one foot in front of the other, instinct, curiosity and passion will always lead you on the right direction !
Reading this is like becoming privy to the existence of underground rivers, the directions they are flowing are mysterious, but need to be followed with heart, mind, and body. They lead to an important place that you can't name, ever, even when you get there, but you can sense the rightness of a direction as you walk it or speak it and you just know it must be honored. Following with any guarantees, trusting without evidence seems to be what courage is. And maybe none of this corresponds to what you were hoping to communicate, but it's what I received. This feels Real what you are saying. And the Real is a rare thing.
Rick, thank you! The image of underground rivers is wonderful, suspect this will be ricocheting around my head this week :) And, funny, your comments resonated with a closing paragraph that I had drafted, and then cut since needing more work.
It mentioned recently reading The Lion Tracker's Guide to Life, by Boyd Varty. As well as bringing back some wonderful safari memories, it brings you into the minds of the very best trackers and how they work, taking seriously the accumulation of tiny clues...The quote that so resonated was: "I don't know where I'm going but I know how to get there" :)
Hope you're doing well! I'll be back up in Vancouver later in the year and will be in touch.
Wonderful Kevin. Please do be in touch.
wise words bro, onwards indeed, keep putting one foot in front of the other, instinct, curiosity and passion will always lead you on the right direction !